At ANTEA Cement, we are committed to create value for our employees, local community, suppliers and clients through strengthening our core values, applying ethical business practices, having an open and continuous communication with all stakeholders and addressing their most material issues in time and in proper manner. Although the context where we operate has its own challenges, we strive to be a responsible company through identifying our impacts to society and taking actions to create value for its stakeholders by minimizing the adverse ones while increasing the care and well-being for our employees, local communities and partners. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study conducted prior to the construction of the plant identified the main stakeholders of the plant, the potential impacts of the plant’s operations to these stakeholders and it proposed as well the mitigation measures for all listed impacts. We have in place an annual CSR Action Plan designed to implement all the projects, actions and activities falling under the four pillars of the CSR Strategy which are:
Health and Safety has been, and remains, the top priority of governance in our company because people are our most valuable asset. The Group’s zero-injury objective and its efforts to be in the top performers in the international building materials industry, have both led ANTEA’s continuous pursuit of safety performance. As it is an “ongoing” process this performance is monitored by many indicators. The Health and Safety procedures, preventive measures and trainings at ANTEA point to the importance of safety for our people and our operations. ANTEA is successfully certified with the Occupational Health and Safety OHSAS 18001 certification. Other measures taken by ANTEA include the constant monitoring of the working conditions and whether procedures are followed, as well as the review of procedures and instructions to ensure the improvement of our safety standards. While the safety culture in Albania presents several challenges, both for our employees and for our contractors working with us, ANTEA has from the beginning been noted to have excellent working standards. In addition to the training it ensures, ANTEA also implements measures for keeping a ‘zero’ accident culture in the plant not only for direct employees, but also for contractors, drivers and transporters.