Corporate Social Responsibility
At ANTEA Cement, we are committed to create value for our employees, local community, suppliers and clients through strengthening our core values, applying ethical business practices, having an open and continuous communication with all stakeholders and addressing their most material issues in time and in proper manner. Although the context where we operate has its own challenges, we strive to be a responsible company through identifying our impacts to society and taking actions to create value for its stakeholders by minimizing the adverse ones while increasing the care and well-being for our employees, local communities and partners. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study conducted prior to the construction of the plant identified the main stakeholders of the plant, the potential impacts of the plant’s operations to these stakeholders and it proposed as well the mitigation measures for all listed impacts. We have in place an annual CSR Action Plan designed to implement all the projects, actions and activities falling under the four pillars of the CSR Strategy which are:
- Engage with our stakeholders li>
- Provide healthy and safe working place for our workers li>
- Reduce environmental footprint li>
- Promote sustainable development through networking li>
Managing risks and opportunities
The management team of ANTEA Cement assesses the social, environmental, managerial and financial risks that the company can face in the framework of the challenges that are coming from the country, the region and further. The company manages the risks through:
- Internal audits and Systems to keep in consistency with Management Systems requirements in place
- Creation of various committees in the company to address various challenges and issues.
- Code of Conduct trainings to enforce anti-corruptive measures
Quality Board:
The Company’s Management is involved in the Quality System through the Quality Board. The responsibilities of the Quality Board are in general the following:
- Establishing the Company’s Quality Policy
- Adopting the Quality System’s documents
- Conducting the internal quality audits
- Conducting reviews of the Quality System
- Establishing quality targets
Environment Board:
It is responsible to identify the environmental aspects, to determine the emergency situations and the need for preparation of emergency plans, to review on annual basis the Environmental Management System etc.
Health & Safety Central Committee:
H&S Central Committee provides strategic and tactical guidance for the Health and Safety improvement initiatives at ANTEA plant. It shall establish effective business processes to promote the full implementation of the Titan’s Group Health & Safety Policy.
The Social Accountability Board:
The Social Accountability Board, which is responsible to identify SA8000 Standard’s issues, to determine the required preventive or corrective actions and to review on annual basis the SA8000 Standard.
Credit Control Committee:
This Committee is in charge of the receivables and debts from the Clients and main tasks include:
- Evaluation and approval of credit
- Customer’s Appraisal forms/customer rating
- Settlement of customers’ debts
- Debt coverage / Guarantees
- Credit Monitoring and Control
- Definition of provisions linked to credit risk
CSR Committee:
The main task of CSR Committee is to prepare and implement the CSR Action Plan which reflects the material issues of the company and their proper management. CSR Committee has also the following tasks:
- Propose, draft and approve CSR related policies and procedures
- Assess and decide upon CSR Projects
- Prepare the Annual Integrated Report
- Prepare other publications such as fact sheets, newsletters etc.
- Engage with Local Community through grievance mechanism
- Actively participate in Albanian CSR Network through seminars and activities